Over the last couple of months, the IVG Podcast has dedicated much time to the next-gen consoles, but just days before the launch of the Xbox Series X, we find ourselves with plenty of games to talk about instead.

That doesn’t mean there isn’t next-gen consoles to talk about, so here’s a complete list of the topics we’ve covered in this week’s IVG Podcast.
- India’s first Xbox Series X unboxing
- Xbox Series X|S review round-up
- Will there be Xbox consoles in stores on launch day?
- Dirt 5 review – don’t listen to the hate (check out the game in action here)
- Spider-man: Miles Morales review – better than the original
- Assassin’s Creed Valhalla impressions
- Padding and bloat in open-world games
Have a listen and let us know what you think on the forums. Feel free to also ask us questions or suggest topics for us and we’ll be sure to cover them in future episodes.
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