[singlepic id=1229 w=250 float=right]An axe-wielding Jack Black over a mountain of skulls and bones – who wouldn’t pay for that action figure? Eddie Riggs, the protagonist of Brutal Legend played by Jack Black, has his own action figure. An image of it was recently posted on EA’s Twitter, and it does look brilliant.
The Brutal Legend Facebook page also mentions that a 1,000 of these will be given away, but didn’t mention how. Will it be via a contest or a limited collector’s edition of Brutal Legend? Let’s hope for the rest of us who don’t make it into that 1,000, there’s also an option to buy it.
Brutal Legend is headed to Xbox 360 and PS3 on Rocktober 16.
Edit: According to Gaming Shogun, these figurines are 17 inches tall. They also say that only 1,000 have been made and are to be given away via the Brutal Legend Twitter account.
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