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Bethesda’s Creation Club initiative is now in beta complete with Horse Armour

Bethesda has finally unveiled its Creation Club initiative with Fallout 4’s v.1.10 update. The Creation Club is now in PC beta with a handful of official content being dropped alongside.

Fallout 4 Creative Club Prey Space Suit
The Prey space suit
Fallout 4 Creative Club Chinese Armour
Chinese Stealth Armour

The content drop is mostly reworked, recoloured variants of content that is already in the game along with a couple new tidbits like the Chinese Stealth Armour, a special space suit modelled after Morgan Yu’s uniform in Prey, Hellfire Power Armour and the Giddyup-Buttercup inspired Horse Armour. Because The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion’s Horse Armour faux pas is totes what we need to be reminded about.

Fallout 4 Creative Club Horse Armour
Horse Armour, need we say more

For a complete set of changes and what is new with the latest patch, head here.

The Steam post further details that the Creation Club would be heading to Skyrim Special Edition next month and in celebration of this roll out, Bethesda is offering 100 Credits to all players to use towards Creation Club content. Additional credits will be available for purchase on Steam, Xbox Live and the PSN. Credits would be transferable and can be used in both Fallout 4 and Skyrim Special Edition on the same platform for both Steam and Xbox Live. PSN currently does not support this functionality.

All Creation Club content would be compatible with the PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 platform(s).

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