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Under Siege


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Under Siege


Developers : Seed Studios

Platform : PS3




* Under Siege is a real-time strategy game exclusive to the PS3 and the PSN store.

* It includes a juicy single player campaign as well as online and local multiplayer content.

* The in-game Editor enables players to create their own maps and share them with the world!




For starters, the single-player campaign in Under Siege does not include those pesky grinding levels many other strategy games have; You don’t have to spend half an hour getting wood to then build a base, and so on. Your army is always there with you, growing persistently from level to level. Your army also gains experience ranking up as they fight, so it’s important to keep them alive because when they die… well, we like to think that they were somebody’s son.


Oh, and you found a new race in the swamp that wants to join your cause? They can! Because in Under Siege, your army is made up of every race found in the game. This makes for some interesting strategy tactics for multiplayer matches.




The Editor


The guys at Media Molecule knew what they were doing, so we decided to do the same. The Editor that ships with Under Siege allows everyone to create their maps and share them with the world. It’s the same tool that we used to build all of our maps!


The maps can be single player or multiplayer; A short campaign or a complex co-op survival mode.

What about the game features?


* Control scheme specially designed for the DualShock controller

* Four players online

* Two players split screen

* Video and voice chat in game and in the lobby

* XMB screenshot and custom music support

* Video recording


And most important of all, Playstation Move support. That’s right, Under Siege is one of the first RTS games that uses the PlayStation Move, and to prove the implementation is done right, check out our video (above) made specially for the nice folks here at the PlayStation.Blog.



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Speaking of Under Seige, I'd play an RTS game that had Steven Segal in it. I won't play StarCraft, but I'll play a Steven Segal RTS.






eat your hearts out... i guess.


Personally, I stopped watching his movies after he went bonkers...

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Speaking of Under Seige, I'd play an RTS game that had Steven Segal in it. I won't play StarCraft, but I'll play a Steven Segal RTS.





What is wrong with you?


Karoo - learn to spell Siege - it's 'i' before 'e' except after 'c' :chair:

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Speaking of Under Seige, I'd play an RTS game that had Steven Segal in it. I won't play StarCraft, but I'll play a Steven Segal RTS.






Word. I'd buy that game in a heartbeat.

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