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UPDATE: Replacement PS3 Bundle - No bundled games


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do u think "petition" made failtel to rethink theirFUP ploicies....f**k come on man be logical...and besides petition was to remove the FUP and not re-think it...


anyways, whats UP wid these SONY assholes here? dude, one screw up and entire SONY reputation will fumble down...and MS will not let this chance go away...and the media wars :fear: and i am glad that i didn't buy official ps3 seeing all these hassles :D



I do think that a number of people not liking it atleast made Airtel think "poor chaps, lets just throw them a bone so they'll be content." Not saying the petition was a success though, cos the F**ked Up Policy is still there.


And coming to Sony maybe they now think that their lower prices will attract enough customers that they won't need to worry about the existing ones as much. Perhaps that's the reason for the change in attitude with the showroom people.


What do you mean by "didn't buy official PS3"? You have an OOR console?


Edit: And don't call them Failtel :P, I'm saying this cos I'm stuck with stupid Tata Indicom Broadband. These a**holes will call you, hassle you and then cut your connection too. Even though sometimes the connection won't work.

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u know....there is somthing really strange with sony

when i bought my 60 gb pal ps3 almost 2 yrs ago.....i got it from a sony world near my place

it was sealed & all....but the USB cable inside was grey instead of black :P


but the ps3 was sealed with all the plastic....so i din bother to take it back to them


most of the times, sony world ps3's have been used as IDUs at their store. hence u get a cellophane covering. they put that to keep the console body good as new. :devil:

so yea.. they're opened boxes. putting the seal back is no big deal.

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thats cuz there was no motorstorm bundle..They just introduced one free game thing (motorstorm/RFOM) on the existing SKU.. I got the same..


well the box said 1 free game included inside..so even i was skeptical while buying it.

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I do think that a number of people not liking it atleast made Airtel think "poor chaps, lets just throw them a bone so they'll be content." Not saying the petition was a success though, cos the F**ked Up Policy is still there.


And coming to Sony maybe they now think that their lower prices will attract enough customers that they won't need to worry about the existing ones as much. Perhaps that's the reason for the change in attitude with the showroom people.


What do you mean by "didn't buy official PS3"? You have an OOR console?


Edit: And don't call them Failtel :P , I'm saying this cos I'm stuck with stupid Tata Indicom Broadband. These a**holes will call you, hassle you and then cut your connection too. Even though sometimes the connection won't work.


yep...grey market one...NTSC baby B) creamic white wid DS3 :devil::P


i call them Failtel just like that...even i am thinking of getting one of their plans (Turbo 1299) and kick suckway(hathway) ou of mah life :P:egyptian: :egyptian: :egyptian:

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yep...grey market one...NTSC baby B) creamic white wid DS3 :devil::P


i call them Failtel just like that...even i am thinking of getting one of their plans (Turbo 1299) and kick suckway(hathway) ou of mah life :P:egyptian: :egyptian: :egyptian:


hathway really sucked for me.. so.. suckway :P really sucked for me.. they wud change my available bw for no apparent reason month to month and had a few hours downtime atleast once a week... and i never used to get proper bw. with 512 i used to get arnd 400. that was 1 year ago. they're still sore cz i dint pay them for the last month :P

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Here's Sony's response to this thread. You won't like it.


Hi Sameer


Thanks a lot for highlighting this. Replacement consoles need not go with the game; game is a separate product and a sales bundle is to attract new customer. Sony is doing well for the consumer and replacing the product that he bought in case the same has some quality issues.


Just in order to explain, suppose some one bought a Killzone 2 bundle, and the HW wasn't functioning to his expectations, when he comes to the service centre and submits the same to them for repair, he isn't required to submit with SW. It is the HW which has some issue and it is the one that is replaced/repaired and given to consumer. I would say it is quite unreasonable to expect Sales Value Adds to be given for repaired/replacement products.


I believe this mismatch of expectations is probably because, by oversight, someone has been given the free games also or because the packaging of the box was that of the sales bundle. We will try and ensure that sales replacements are given in plain PS3 box so consumers do not face this issue.


Thanks again for keeping us posted, best regards


Prashant Ojha

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited

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but sams point about 5k is correct


they should give money to arun


no ??


even in rashi pheriperals they only give the hardware that is damaged, replace it don't give a new box with all manuals and sh*t. that is kinda unreasonable :)

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Here's Sony's response to this thread. You won't like it.

Thanks for the quick update Sam. I just needed some sort of closure.


I'm 100% sure that someone at the service center or warehouse has the games. At the service center, the box was intentionally placed on the table such that the free game artwork did not face my side. I only saw the other face with regular PS3 boxart. Upon closer inspection now, the seal on the box was already broken. There's an additional cellophane tape makeshift seal which was broken in front of me. This is partially my fault too, I should 've been alert.


Now I've already paid for the games and they exist in my collection.There is only one thing I find disappointing. I would have liked the benefit of a generous corporate oversight to be on the side of the customer (who's been through a bitter support experience) rather than people within the company who just don't do their job right. The former adds value to the company and customer while the latter just goes into the pockets of a few unethical employees who are out to malign the image of their employer.


It all starts with pilfering freebies in a bundle. By condoning this, they are letting the crooks know that stealing company property is okay. I hope this incident has you guys prepared for the possibility of your replacement PS3 or any Sony product being prone to pilferage at an Authorized Sony Service Center.

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I think whoever goes to claim the replacement should

1. Don't accept the PS3 if it comes in the bundle packaging without the game(s). That just means that the seal was broken. Only accept it if it comes in the standalone console packaging.

2. Make sure that the company seal is indeed intact before its opened.


Btw, if I'm not mistaken, initially when people who had 60GB B/C PS3s got the 40GB models as replacement, I think there was some sort of monetary compensation to make up the difference.





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"Btw, if I'm not mistaken, initially when people who had 60GB B/C PS3s got the 40GB models as replacement, I think there was some sort of monetary compensation to make up the difference."



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Btw, if I'm not mistaken, initially when people who had 60GB B/C PS3s got the 40GB models as replacement, I think there was some sort of monetary compensation to make up the difference.


maybe that was because of the removal of BC or because they were giving a downgraded system (loss of HDD space, USb ports, card readers)

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