Your stupidity is beyond engagement if you don’t even comprehend the post!!
I said I played SM2 & BO6 both day1 & on day 60 sold them off at a hit of ₹2K total!!
AC played both day1 too but he took a hit of 5k for SM2 & maybe ₹3-400 on BO6(in the grand scheme of things).
Owning an Xbox only is massively disadvantageous in this regard if you want to play other massive AAA releases too besides ‘some’ of the M$ releases!!
I’ll play Doom+GTA6 at a much cheaper price plus will have the option of playing GoY,DeathS2 & PhantomB too!!!
Owning an Xbox only is super disadvantageous in the grand scheme of things!!
Fallout: Nuevo Mexico mod cancelled creator deported to Mexico
The creator of a big Fallout: New Vegas mod called Nuevo Mexico is being deported to Mexico because he was reported to ICE by other Bethesda fans