Revival of Decade+ old dead franchises certainly won’t.
These are just minuscule fan fare service we are witnessing here by M$.
& even that they can’t withhold exclusively!!
Xbox will be fully 3rd party by the time next gen starts. Its pretty much a given by what ms is doing. Console is not selling and sells at a loss as it is ,game development is risky and expensive.
Who could blame them? You have to look for other avenues to sell the games and recoup the costs.
Unless streaming becomes the norm in gaming, which I don't see happening anytime soon, I don't see GamePass doing anything substantial for MS. If COD didn't lead to a big increase in subs, what else will?
Which is not possible thanks to the all mighty lords of regulatory bodies around the world.
Basically that’s why M$ felt it a futile attempt after watching Starfield crumble in revenue that what’s even the point if we can’t make two of our biggest guns (CoD & MineCraft) help move our hardware!!
Better to become 3rd Party & have wishful thinking that GamePass might become Netflix in far far distant future when streaming is mainstream!!
Apart from COD console exclusivity (and maybe Elder Scrolls), none of the Xbox first games shown till now will have any impact on console sales. Xbox as a system has pretty much lost all desirability.