Wukong guys don’t want to spend time making a port for series s for literally 2% sales (since Xbox users don’t like buying games)
I think MS needs to decouple series x and series s.
It maintains more or less ~60fps or at least the high range within VRR thanks to FrameGen.
But that’s fake 60fps with 30fps latency.
Best latency,resolution & framerate is on PS5pro 120hz VRR mode.
Developer themselves have admitted they’ll need years of Optimisation to be able to run on a 10gb RAM.
Every game is different & every developer is not wizard.
Xbox should have just dropped the SeriesS mandate for developers as this is just the beginning of the death of SeriesS….atleast SeriesX owners shouldn’t suffer.
But when has Team Xbox really cared about their hardware owners!!
They purposely stopped pushing XBoneX within 2 years which had full 2gb of more RAM than SeriesS.
They wanted to kill it purposely….
Same thing happened with original Xbox.
& now they want to start another gen early because of their f**k ups!!!
It’s best they make PC boxes now!!
Priority Pass is only useful if you have complimentary uses with it.
In itself, a Priority Pass comes charges a membership fee and then charges 25/30$ per visit, so just a pass is not of any use.
You need to get a PP which provides you complimentary uses.