I got the plat for DS:DC back in 2021, but watching the trailer made me install it and start afresh on Hard.
This and CIV 7 are the only 2 games on my purchase list for 2025.
There is nothing in the post from which you can deduce there is no interstellar travel. Hardly any new info as well. Don't make assumptions out of thin air.
Ellie not playable ND said. Look what happened.
It's ND. Expect greatness.
That’s why I said “Looks like”.
If the agenda of the game itself is to figure out what happened to the civilisation & their faithful religion so that you can escape the planet which no one has escaped in the last 600 years!!
I (or anyone) would doubt there is too much interstellar or even interplanetary travel!!
At max….interlunar travel maybe!!