"Separately, EA said on Wednesday that Dragon Age: The Veilguard, released in October, “engaged” around 1.5 million players during the three months ended December 31, 2024, which it said was nearly half of its expectations."
So game is really good but still it underperformed. Does this mean anti woke boycott actually works? Because so far most of us were thinking that anti woke "chuds" are a vocal minority and if game is great it's sales aren't affected much.
Ank, there are more than 10 people active on this thread.
Multiple people have given their views about Nintendo Hardware, most of them criticising it.
My comment didn't mention anyone and yet you are the only person who needed to provide a justification.
Anyway, I am so happy that this forum has been able to live upto its promise.
The promise of allowing people to build themselves up and provide an avenue to express their voices, especially when the real world hasn't been so kind to them.
Keep empowering yourself, you really have the power.
If I compile First Party output of PS4…specially the first 4 years you’ll definitely say otherwise!!
The thing is Cross Gen didn’t exist on PS4 timeline due to PS3 specs being other worldly.
PS4 was the last non Crossgen console.
We should just admit it’s a thing of the past.