The show had its fair share of controversies including one in which undergarments of both men and women in the audience experienced a very annoying itch and another in which a certain young member in the audience kept asking others if Kesri Chacha was secretly a woman. This inquisitive fellow, however, kept disappearing and reappearing mysteriously before his question could be answered, for which he kept blaming the hammer-wielding gate Keeper.
But Kesri Chacha’s master plan, involving Amar Juice Centre selling atleast 2 glasses of juice that day, was soon to be shot down when it was unveiled that Sati was betrothed to another already. Kittens were flushed down the toilet and some innocent threads were locked up in the chaos that ensued. Nevertheless, the show continues.
Fiction aside, IVG still remains a land of gaming, and gaming is what the awesome E-Xpress Pricebuster offer on ‘Dirt’ and even more awesome (
This week, however, the ever-so-happy land of IVG was also plagued with some rather heartbreaking disasters. It is rumoured that some mysterious desh-drohi vendor ratted about the extremely awesome IVG games pre-order offers which might lead to their discontinuation. Sadder is the fact that one of our members is having a serious family crisis. The IVG community is trying its best to help in whatever way it can through various user contributed items up for auction (here, here, here, here and here). Well wishes, donations and bids are more than welcome.
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