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Rushad Patel
June 17, 2015
Video: Dark Souls 3 is coming early 2016
IVG Editorial
June 17, 2015
Sony at E3 2015: PS4 media player, new peripherals, more remasters
IVG Editorial
June 17, 2015
Rainbow Six: Siege gets Terrohunt single-player, co-op modes
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
New Hitman launches 8th December for PC, PS4, Xbox One
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
Killzone creator’s new game is Horizon: Zero Dawn for PS4
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
Media Molecule reveals Dreams for PS4
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
Video: Uncharted 4’s stunning vehicular gameplay
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
The Last Guardian revived, coming to PS4 in 2016
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
Shenmue 3 shatters $2 million Kickstarter target in 9 hours
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
The Division releases 8th March 2016, beta in early 2016
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
Video: South Park: The Fractured But Whole announced
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
Ubisoft unveils squad-based melee action game For Honor
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
Video: Star Wars: Battlefront releases 17th November
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst releases 23rd February 2016, trailer released
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
Mass Effect: Andromeda announced, holiday 2016 release
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
Video: Need for Speed releases 3rd November
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
Xbox at E3 2015: Tomb Raider, Forza 6, new Rare title, and more
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
Halo 5 releases 27th October, features 24-player multiplayer
IVG Editorial
June 16, 2015
E3 2015: Xbox One gets backwards compatibility, premium controller, early access
IVG Editorial
June 15, 2015
Gears 4 announced for Holiday 2016; Gears of War Ultimate Edition this August
IVG Editorial
June 15, 2015
Battlecry: Bethesda’s online action combat title enters global beta
IVG Editorial
June 15, 2015
Dishonored 2 releases spring 2016, Dishonored Definitive Edition coming to PS4, Xbox One
IVG Editorial
June 15, 2015
Doom single, multiplayer revealed at E3, user creation tools detailed
IVG Editorial
June 15, 2015
Fallout 4 releases 10th November, Fallout Shelter for iOS out now
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