In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve been streaming games quite frequently on the IVG YouTube channel as well as on our Facebook page of late. We’ve also had several IVG members join our streams. And so, in keeping with our tradition of always keeping the community at the centre of what we do, we’d like to introduce IVG Community Showcase.
The IVG Community Showcase is a way for us to highlight – and reward – some of the coolest gameplay moments from the IVG community, whether it’s a great kill streak, a speed run, some skilled stealth gameplay or an amazing goal. Regardless of which games you play, and which platform you game on, you can be part of the Community Showcase. Once you’ve got a great gameplay clip you’d like to share, here’s how you can participate:
- Upload the clip to a social media platform of your choosing. Make sure you tag/mention us in the post.
- Post a link to your clip in the IVG Community Showcase thread on the IVG Forums.
The prizes
And that’s about it. Now, about that reward part. Each month for the next four months, one winner will receive a game as a prize. We already know what the prize for August and November are, while we’re keeping the September and October prizes under wraps for now.
- August: Nioh 2 (PS4) – submissions from July 25 to August 10
- September: To be announced – submissions from August 15 to September 10
- October: To be announced – submissions from September 15 to October 10
- November: Cyberpunk 2077 (platform of winner’s choice) – submissions from October 15 to November 10

The rules
Pretty cool, right? While you’re welcome to share any and every cool gameplay clip of yours with the community, here are some rules to keep in mind to be eligible to win a prize:
- You have to be residing in India
- You must be a member of the IVG forums to be able share your clips. It’s free and easy to sign up and there’s plenty in store for gamers, from discussing your favorite games to great deals on preowned games and consoles
- You must tag IVG in your social media post containing your gameplay clip
- The social media post and clip should be no older than one month from the date of posting it on the IVG forums.
And that’s about it. We look forward to checking out your amazing gameplay moments. Click here to head to the IVG Community Showcase thread on the forums.