InFamous Contest Red

It’s time to announce the winners of yet another IVG contest. Our inFamous contest has been one of our most popular,
with more entries than even our Game of the Year 2008 contest, which had a PS3 up for grabs. Needless to say, over
90 percent of the answers were correct. For those wondering, here are the correct answers:

1. Name the city in which InFamous takes place – Empire City
2. When (year) & where (event) was InFamous announced? – 2007, E3
3. What did Cole McGrath work as before the explosion? – Bike Messenger

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The Winners

And now on to the winners, starting with the two IVG members who each win an awesome InFamous PS3 Starter kit,
which includes a PS3 DUALSHOCK 3 controller, an HDMI cable, a PS3 Blu-Ray remote, a copy of InFamous, the
InFamous comic book, and an awesome InFamous art book. The winners are:

  • Arun S (arun360)
  • Alekh Khanna (f@tm@n)

And here are the three IVG members, who each win an InFamous artbook and an InFamous comic book:

  • Pranay Kapoor (lastAvenger)
  • Chirag Patnaik (madgeek)
  • Rohan Kapoor (Rohan)

Thank you all for participating and making this contest such a success. You can rest assured that the next IVG Contest
is not far away.

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