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Console Wars 3.0 - XBL vs PSN


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I think in terms of usability and features, Steam is way better than any kind of platform for game communications.



PICK A SIDE! :furious:



btw: Sam, you look sexy in those party pics honey. Do you want to be my gee-eff?

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there are a lot of guyz who havn't used PSN @ all & are passing judgements on it which is pathetic

SUCH AS WHOM EXACTLY? Let's see you pick people out if you're so smart.


Whereas you yourself admit you haven't used XBL :P

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i'v never really used XBL,but i'v heard ppl saying that it's only good if u'r trying to play with ppl of u'r own region

as in ppl from india arn't able to play with firangs porperly


if there is any truth to this then M$ is ripping xbox users big time

+100...just go and check gears2 thread...indian gamers are making their private parties and playing...because playing with firangs is next to impossible...according to them only...and gears2 is one of the biggest mp in xbox...

even gear1 which i was addicted too ...had quite a big lag issues plus advantages (very big advantage) of being in the host team while playing with firangs in ranked matches...

on the whole xbox live is good...but i seriously feel when we pay so much then atleast we should enjoy mp games for which actually the console is there for...not for twitter facebook etc etc

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+100...just go and check gears2 thread...indian gamers are making their private parties and playing...because playing with firangs is next to impossible...according to them only...and gears2 is one of the biggest mp in xbox...

even gear1 which i was addicted too ...had quite a big lag issues plus advantages (very big advantage) of being in the host team while playing with firangs in ranked matches...

on the whole xbox live is good...but i seriously feel when we pay so much that atleast we should enjoy mp games for which actually the console is there for...not for twitter facebook etc etc

Guys, read the forums and contribute instead of playing around in PS threads all the time.


I've mentioned this many times before: I ONLY played CoD4 and BF: BC with 'firangs' or whatever you guys call them.


Know why? 'Cos none of the idiots here want to play the game modes I like (Domination and Conquest, in case anyones wondering). I've clocked dozens of hours too, and I've never faced any issue at all :P

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i'v never really used XBL,but i'v heard ppl saying that it's only good if u'r trying to play with ppl of u'r own region

as in ppl from india arn't able to play with firangs porperly


if there is any truth to this then M$ is ripping xbox users big time

they are flashing great things like facebook,twitter,this chat that chat & all that sh*t to water the mouths of users & not providing the very basics of online gaming properly


online gaming means that u should be able to play with any of u'r friend even if he's on mars


i can only say bout PSN coz thats what i'v used so far & in all honesty i'v never faced any probs playing with any kind of firang worldwide,be it from japan or USA


that is what online gaming should be about........not chats & twitters


& there are a lot of guyz who havn't used PSN @ all & are passing judgements on it which is pathetic



+100...just go and check gears2 thread...indian gamers are making their private parties and playing...because playing with firangs is next to impossible...according to them only...and gears2 is one of the biggest mp in xbox...

even gear1 which i was addicted too ...had quite a big lag issues plus advantages (very big advantage) of being in the host team while playing with firangs in ranked matches...

on the whole xbox live is good...but i seriously feel when we pay so much then atleast we should enjoy mp games for which actually the console is there for...not for twitter facebook etc etc


WOW, just wow. the way u guys come up with all this bullshit is just embarasing.

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Guys, read the forums and contribute instead of playing around in PS threads all the time.


I've mentioned this many times before: I ONLY played CoD4 and BF: BC with 'firangs' or whatever you guys call them.


Know why? 'Cos none of the idiots here want to play the game modes I like (Domination and Conquest, in case anyones wondering). I've clocked dozens of hours too, and I've never faced any issue at all :P

well i bought ps3 this year only...and my first console was xbox360....

for your info i was addicted to gears 1 and use to play with 6-7 hrs each day and my total overall ranking in annex mode was around 700...and i use to be among the top 100 in the weekly ranking....so i guess that answers you...gears2 was the biggest game i was looking forward too..and that being a disaster,sold off my xbox360 too..


cod4 has a big mp following in xbl...but bf:bc was never in the same ranks of gears and halo...so you not facing lag was good for you...but anyone who has played on xbox360 biggest titles like gear and halo will surely agree that the lag causes a big disadvantage in the game...its like totally unfair...even the halo 3 tournament recently had xbots fighting over this same lag issues...so its better you also play a bit around in the xbox360 threads too :cheers:

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well i bought ps3 this year only...and my first console was xbox360....

for your info i was addicted to gears 1 and use to play with 6-7 hrs each day and my total overall ranking in annex mode was around 700...and i use to be among the top 100 in the weekly ranking....so i guess that answers you...gears2 was the biggest game i was looking forward too..and that being a disaster,sold off my xbox360 too..


cod4 has a big mp following in xbl...but bf:bc was never in the same ranks of gears and halo...so you not facing lag was good for you...but anyone who has played on xbox360 biggest titles like gear and halo will surely agree that the lag causes a big disadvantage in the game...its like totally unfair...even the halo 3 tournament recently had xbots fighting over this same lag issues...so its better you also play a bit around in the xbox360 threads too :cheers:

No, it doesn't answer me :O


I gave you indelible proof that one doesn't need to play with 'firangs' (yuck). I've clocked enough hours on a 256K connection to prove otherwise. I proved you wrong.


And I'm not saying I didn't lag. OF COURSE there's a bit of lag, but it isn't unplayable as I'm living proof of. WTF. We're in INDIA :P

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u'r an author i see, u should be having some good reading skills

pls read properly what i said

You said 'GUYZ' were dissing PSN without actually using it.


I'm asking you WHOM.



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No, it doesn't answer me :devil:


I gave you indelible proof that one doesn't need to play with 'firangs' (yuck). I've clocked enough hours on a 256K connection to prove otherwise. I proved you wrong.


And I'm not saying I didn't lag. OF COURSE there's a bit of lag, but it isn't unplayable as I'm living proof of. WTF. We're in INDIA :O

lol if you dont want to play with firangs thats another thing...because i hardly played with indian gamers since i was mostly into ranked matches...


but yea i agree we are in india so we should digest this fact...but my point is still there...since we pay so much for xbl we should atleast deserve the best mp experience...we dont pay a penny for psn so we cant expect it too be at par with xbl


all said and done...xbox360 surely has good games and my favourites till now fable2 :P and gears :cheers: are part of it

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You said 'GUYZ' were dissing PSN without actually using it.


I'm asking you WHOM.





I dont mind paying $60 a year to a streamlined service and a great online site to manage the small stuff.


P.S - just so you know, i hate the shitty playstation website. its slow and cluttered.



Xbl = win



i didn't even bother to create a psn id

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taking names is not a good idea,don't u think


& i wanted u to read it again coz i clearly said that i'v not used XBL & m not fit for passing judgements on it

hehe, no no take names. always good to back up your arguments with facts. and besides, it's more fun that way :P


And yes, I know you said you haven't used XBL. My point was that some of you are passing judgment without using it at all, whereas most 360 owners here also own or use the PS3 regularly. Their opinion needn't be right, but at least they have the benefit of doubt on their side.

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lol if you dont want to play with firangs thats another thing...because i hardly played with indian gamers since i was mostly into ranked matches...


but yea i agree we are in india so we should digest this fact...but my point is still there...since we pay so much for xbl we should atleast deserve the best mp experience...we dont pay a penny for psn so we cant expect it too be at par with xbl


all said and done...xbox360 surely has good games and my favourites till now fable2 :cheers: and gears :O are part of it

But it's impossible to expect the same MP experience with the connectivity issues we have. I'm only on 256k, but maybe a faster connection will work better. Like those new Airtel ones!


I'm just playing around anyway :devil:



Don't tell anyone, but I would switch to the PS3 if only I owned one. FREE MP+MORE IVG PPL ONLINE+EXCLUSIVES FTW :|



And you forgot Mass Effect :P

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If this keeps up, this thread will have to be locked up the day it was opened





It shouldnt have been opened in the first place. I dont think anyone expected a different outcome. :P

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